Cellphone snatcher nabbed in Bryanston

SANDTON – Sandton Police Station spokesperson Captain Bheki Xulu added that most of the incidents reported are when the victims are on their phone (texting or on a call) walking in the street.

The vigilant efforts of Fidelity ADT saw the arrest of a suspected cellphone snatcher in Bryanston on November 10.

The suspect was spotted running toward the Braamfontein Spruit when he was intercepted by Fidelity ADT technician Michael Janse van Rensburg.

“The suspect, along with an accomplice, are believed to be involved in cellphone snatching around the greater Johannesburg area,” said Bryanston Fidelity branch manager Josh Nel.

He added that cellphone snatching is a trend that has been a constant problem across the community.

“Suspects are known to work in a group of no less the two people – one suspect will be on foot, grab a victim’s phone and jump into a getaway vehicle,” said Nel.

Sandton Police Station spokesperson Captain Bheki Xulu added that most of the incidents reported in the Sandton area involve the victims walking on the street while on their phone (texting or on a call).

“[In other cases] you find that the victims are waiting for an Uber or taxi and snatchers in Sandton use vehicles to spot their victims.”

Xulu noted that most incidents occur over the weekend, at any time of the day.

Fidelity ADT offers the following tips to avoid becoming a target:

q Where possible walk with someone to make you a little less vulnerable. Two people can also help to identify the perpetrators better and the vehicle that they are using in the commission of a crime. This information will help us to get the criminals behind bars and to keep them there

Details: Sandton Police Station 011 722 4200.


Sandton police protect the community during municipal elections

Communities encouraged to stay vigilant

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