Hyde Park High cricket on the rise

HYDE PARK – The club, who is based at the school, not only has several of the school’s players playing for the club but they also provide coaching and a kit to identified players.

Cricket at Hyde Park High School is on the rise as learners reap the rewards of a partnership with Sandton Tigers Cricket Club.

The club, which is based at the school, not only has several of the school’s players playing for them but they also provide coaching and kit to identified players.

As a result of the school’s relationship with the club, Play It Forward initiative and real estate agency Just Property, Grade 11 learner Anathi Gabula was sponsored cricket kit.

According to Anathi, not only was he surprised but he was beyond grateful for the sponsorship.

“[I] will also benefit from one-on-one coaching from the Sandton Tigers Cricket Club,” he said.

The school’s Avril Wright said the long term affiliation with the club would benefit both the school and the learners for years to come.

“The club’s partners have committed to lay the foundation for the betterment of the school’s cricketers, providing a platform for the development of the beautiful game of cricket.”


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