Letter: Pick up the poop

SANDTON – Local residents asked dog owners to pick up their dog's droppings.

Janis Chapman writes:

One good thing to emerge from the Covid-19 lockdowns is that people are out walking their dogs more frequently.
However, this is creating an additional challenge for local residents in the increased piles of dog poop. The question is whose job is it to pick it up?

The Sandton Chronicle has been asked by concerned local residents to remind pet owners and dog walkers that it is your responsibility to pick up your dog’s poop when in any public areas.

So, if you are out strolling with your pet in a local park or just walking along the pavements or grass verges, then please do your duty.

Not only is this common decency, it’s also provided for in the bylaws of the City of Johannesburg – Control of dogs. Dogs in Public Places: Section 6 (3) which states: Any person in control of a dog in a public place, excluding a person who is assisted by a guide dog, must remove defecation of such dog.

No excuses please. Join the responsible pet parents and help to keep our local areas clean for the enjoyment of all community members. You can use a pooper-scooper or biodegradable poop packets are available at most pet stores.

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