Redhill learners reach prestigious levels

MORNINGSIDE – The President’s Award is an internationally recognised youth development initiative that encourages participants to develop themselves in multiple areas.

Three learners from Redhill School have reached new heights in the commitment to giving back to the community.

Grade 11 learner Zandile Shamu recently completed the silver level of the President’s Award through the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award while Grade 9 learners Ronan Meltzer and Mark Bedford-Shaw completed the bronze level.

The President’s Award is an internationally recognised youth development initiative that encourages participants to develop themselves in multiple areas, teaching them about having a balanced lifestyle.

The silver level requires the completion of a minimum of 48 hours of community service combined with a dedicated involvement in learning a skill, participating in physical recreation and the completion of a three-day (two nights) adventurous journey.

The bronzer level requires the completion of a minimum of 24 hours of community service combined with a dedicated involvement in learning a skill, participating in physical recreation and the completion of a two-day (one night) adventurous journey.

The President’s Award requires tremendous dedication and learners who complete the award will join an internationally recognised community.

“Redhill supports this initiative as it reflects the care our students have for the broader community, the courage to try something challenging and the commitment to follow through,” said the school in its congratulatory message.

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