Seven arrested at Buccleuch sports bar

BUCCLEUCH – Residents are urged to tip-off police concerning any incidents where they see people contravening the Disaster Management Act.

Seven suspects were arrested for contravention of the Disaster Management Act in Buccleuch on 10 January.

Spokesperson for the Sandton Police Station Captain Bheki Xulu said police were on patrol in the area when they noticed that a local sports bar was open.

Police found people sitting outside drinking alcohol. Four women and three men were arrested at about 11.50pm for contravention of the Disaster Management Act under the Covid-19 regulations.

“Amongst the seven suspects, a 48-year-old man was also charged for negligent handling of a firearm following a search of the premises whereby police found the licensed firearm placed behind the counter negligently,” added Xulu.

“Police confiscated the alcohol and the firearm for further investigation. The suspects will appear in the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court shortly.”

Sandton Police Station Commander Brigadier Egen Moodley requested members of the community to tip-off police of incidents where people were not adhering to Covid-19 regulations and report them to Crime Stop on 086 001 0111 or Sandton police on 011 722 4200.

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