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Mzansi Acts Now against GBV

Situated in Sandown, the NPC has been established to create safe spaces for women and children in the world and especially to educate men about GBVF.

With the plight of gender-based violence on the rise, a collective of South African men have taken it upon themselves to take action against these atrocities.

Mzansi Act Now – a non-profit company (NPC) – was established earlier this year after the gruesome murder of Tshegofatso Pule which occurred in Roodepoort in June. Tebogo Lerole, who is the chairperson of the organisation, said that intervention is greatly needed.

“I have been following up on a series of femicide killings, but the murder of Tshegofatso Pule really got to me and I couldn’t really come to terms with the murder of a young woman who was pregnant and carrying a child. My older brother Mpho approached me and highlighted that we needed to intervene and do something with the rise of femicide in South Africa,” he said.

Situated in Sandown, the NPC has been established to create safe spaces for women and children in the world and especially to educate men about GBVF.

“Men of all ages need to stand up against GBVF. Men no longer have excuses to keep silent, let’s call each other out and mend the pain we have caused on women and children and become gatekeepers and protecting shields of our nation,” he exclaimed.

With a number of activations already in place, the first day of November will solidify their efforts.

“Act Now men will walk 770 kilometers from Johannesburg to Mthwalume in Durban to raise awareness against gender-based violence and femicide, as well as pay homage to victims’ families and offer support as an organisation,” said Lerole.

He added that South Africans as a nation are historically broken and healing must take place. Stating that most men come from broken family structures with absent fathers and young boys having to take up fatherly roles and it takes a toll.

“My statement is nowhere a constituency of blaming the past, every man is responsible for the present moment. But engaging platforms to align and educate perpetrators and non-perpetrators are essential and necessary.”

Mzansi Act Now will also be holding a victim support tour with the Gauteng Department of Community Safety, mainly to offer hope to victims and the availability of support structures.

With change in mind, Lerole wants to reiterate that the nation needs a new breed of men who will advocate for gender equality, safety and a harmonious country for all.

“As men and boys we can no longer sit back and allow infestation of patriarchal mindsets. We want to act now and build a society where both men and women enjoy the Bill of Rights as enshrined in the Constitution,”

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