Michael Mount Waldorf School learner helps other women

The idea for the drive actually came from a school project which she needed to complete for Grade 11.

Michael Mount Waldorf School learner Zamokuhle Silinda extended a helping hand to women in need.

The Grade 11 learner recently hosted a donation drive to collect and put together care packages and sanitary towels for the vulnerable women of the non-profit organisation People Opposing Women Abuse (Powa).

According to Zamokuhle, the idea for the drive actually came from a school project which she needed to complete for Grade 11. “We could pick any subject and I felt that picking gender-based violence [GBV] was very important for me, as a South African woman. It is so scary to even be living in your own country and I felt that at the time, this was the most that I could do on my part,” she said.

The project allowed Zamokuhle to educate herself on GBV and better prepare for the project.

“Everyone needs to talk about it [GBV] and broadcast messages of change but we also need to be the change – this is my way of making a change.”

With the help and support of friends, family and the school, Zamokuhle was able to donate 60 care packages and 150 sanitary towels to Powa.

“I chose to donate to Powa because I actually interviewed the organisation earlier in the year, as part of the project. Through the interview I was able to hear their challenges, what they needed and most importantly, what the women needed.”

Zamokuhle added that when she sent out the call for donations the response from the community outweighed all of her expectations. “When I started with the drive I never really knew how big this would become, I really just thought that I would get a few donations and add a little bit from my own pocket.”

The drive has also motivated the learner into continuing the initiative well beyond Women’s Month to raise additional resources and support for more women in need.

Anyone interested in teaming up with Zamokuhle or donating to her drive can email zamokuhlesilinda@gmail.com

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