Work from home like a pro

HYDE PARK – Small business owners can follow these tips for working at home during the lockdown.

The 21-day national lockdown has taken a toll on the country and on small businesses in particular.

The suburb of Sandton is home to a number of thriving business owners all serving the community in a particular way. Celebrity publicist, producer and consultant Jarred Doyle shared how he is coping and some of the effects the national lockdown has had.

“Many businesses will feel the strain and most have already retrenched staff. I personally feel that they hadn’t prepared adequately for anything like this and their business were not doing well for a while.

Set up a workstation away from the bedroom. Photo: Charles Deluvio/Unsplash

“Our economy was not flourishing for some time now and if you had not prepared you would be struggling.”

He did say that the government has set up a relief fund that will help some.

In dealing with the lockdown while working from home, Doyle has devised 10 tips to cope:

1. Create a home-based routine

2. Don’t work in your bedroom – set up a workstation.

3. Shower and get dressed – even if it’s in a tracksuit, you will feel better.

4. Don’t allow depression and anxiety to overcome you. Try and live in the now, plan for the future but don’t stress about it,

5. Stay positive. “If you live alone try and talk to as many people in the day as possible. Also, enjoy your time alone, try and stay away from negativity on social media and perhaps read a book or find some comic relief on social media. Find people who are funny and entertaining and always create good content.”

6. Try to exercise. Walk around the garden or your apartment and don’t overeat too much. You’re a strong-minded individual and now is the time to step up.

7. Be brave and contact people for business. “I have used LinkedIn for this and been in conversation with people from large corporates to small firms, locally and internationally.”

8. Be aware of what’s happening but don’t be consumed by it. “If you have a family spend time with them playing games and making cakes and biscuits. Go back to basics. If you are alone why not start posting what you’re good at online – you never know what may come of it.”

9. Read books and entertain your mind with different things, besides TV and Netflix.

10. Be safe – “See this as a time to grow yourself spiritually and mentally. Forget the physical (yes, keep healthy eating but don’t focus on that), pray and meditate.”

He also advised residents to stay calm and show kindness wherever you can (safely of course).

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