Telecom invests in community

SANDTON – In an effort to empower the community, Blue Label Telecommunications celebrated the launch of its Trust Blue Foundation.

Renowned telecommunications firm, Blue Label Telecoms launched its Trust Blu Foundation on 20 February to help strengthen and empower the community. The newly implemented foundation was made possible through partnerships with a number of social entrepreneurs and non-profit organisations.

Transformation manager Bianca Lima-Boekhoud noted that while this is the official launch of the foundation, the company has previously committed to working with community initiatives and like-minded non-profit organisations. The foundation simply wishes to prolong these relationships.

Bianca Lima-Boekhoud outlines the foundation’s goal to make a difference. Photo: Chante’ Ho Hip

“Our ambition is to work with our partners to build a more scalable, sustainable and integrated model that unlocks higher returns from the investments the public and private sector make in transformation and social programmes each year,” she said.

Watch as Blue Label Telecom launches its foundation:

Executive director of Women and Men against Child Abuse One, of the foundation’s partners, Kevin Barbeau commended the foundation for its long-term commitment, adding that it is important for social investments such as this. “It is no secret as to the various challenges South Africa is currently facing high levels of unemployment, rampant gender-based violence and corruption at an unprecedented level – the list goes on and on. This is why I think that it is a perfect time for this launch and for the country,” he said.

Miranda Jordan, Kevin Barbeau, Vincentia Dlamini and Ngaa Murombedzi are excited to see what the future holds for the foundation. Photo: Chante’ Ho Hip

Lima-Boekhoud added that the foundation’s ultimate aim is to work with the private and public sectors along with non-profit and community organisations to create economic opportunities for youth and entrepreneurs from disadvantaged communities. “By connecting community organisations and entrepreneurs with the resources they need to do more, we can create prosperity in South African communities,” she said.

Lesley Ntjana and Dineo Motwa are proud to be part of the Trust Blu Foundation as entrepreneurs. Photo: Chante’ Ho Hip

Blue Label co-founder Brett Levy reaffirmed the company’s commitment to community development and philanthropy. “The launch of the foundation enables us to increase our impact, ramp up our efforts, and formalise our strategy for partnering with non-profits and social entrepreneurs. We are excited about the opportunity to bring a fresh approach to social investment and philanthropy in South Africa,” he concluded.

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