Hope raises matric learner

HURLINGHAM – The Rays of Hope organisation would like to celebrate the achievement of one of its star learners who prospered against all odds.

The Rays of Hope charity organisation in Hurlingham celebrated the incredible achievement of Julius Mabunda, a matric learner at KwaBhekilanga Secondary School in Alexandra, who obtained a bachelor pass.

Julius has been part of the organisation’s Ithemba Labantwana Programme, which gives hope to orphaned and vulnerable children, since 2018.

The 18-year-old was forced to step up and take on the parenting role to his three younger siblings when the family lost their father in 2013. Julius found it difficult to focus at school as he had to care for his now bedridden mother and siblings.

Relief came when Julius and the family came to the attention of the Ithemba Labantwana Programme. The Rays of Hope team assisted and supported the family becoming mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters to them. The organisation gave them the emotional support (including professional counselling) as well as spiritual, material and educational support that they needed.

Sadly, Julius and his siblings lost their mother in September last year, just over a month before his final matric exams. With support from the programme, he quickly adjusted to the routine of being a parent to his siblings, supporting and encouraging them to work hard at school.

“I support my siblings by giving them love, encouraging them to work hard, being there when they needed me regardless of time, always giving them time and a shoulder to cry on, praying for them and praying with them, putting them first. Taking care of them, they are my children.”

Thando Duma, the marketing assistant for Rays of Hope, said, “We are celebrating today because not only did all his siblings pass their respective grades in 2019 – against all odds, Julius obtained a bachelor pass in his final matric exams,” said

Julius added, “I would not have managed to cope if Rays of Hope had not been in our lives. I am so grateful to Rays of Hope for the support they gave us; they were and still are a shoulder to cry on, great support for me and my siblings. I get help and advice whenever I need it.”

The Ithemba Labantwana Programme was created nine years ago to walk alongside children and families in Alexandra who find themselves in such situations.

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