Redhill hockey brothers make Gauteng Gryphons team

MORNINGSIDE – Redhill brothers Milan and Matteo Stipcevich have both been selected to represent the Gauteng Gryphons indoor hockey team at nationals next month in Cape Town

Brothers Milan and Matteo Stipcevich of Redhill School were selected to represent the Gauteng Gryphons Junior Indoor Hockey team at nationals next month in Cape Town.

Eleven-year-old Milan will represent the U13C team while 12-year-old Matteo will represent the U13A team.

Both young men have continued to strive and challenge themselves on and off the hockey field. Milan previously represented the U11A Gauteng Gryphons team which finished second at nationals in September and Matteo was the man of the match in all eight of his matches in the recent U12 indoor nationals.

Redhill proudly supports brothers Matteo and Milan Stipcevich in their journey to greatness. Photo: Supplied

“He narrowly missed out on player of the tournament which is a massive achievement in itself,” said their mother Kirsten Stipcevich.

The dynamic duo continues to have the full support of their parents and school as they have both made it to the second round of outdoor hockey trials for the D9 district team. Both will continue with further trials next year.

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