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Forest Farm encourages community support

BRYANSTON – The Forest Farm Centre for Cerebral Palsied Adults would like encourage the community to keep the organisation in their thought this holiday season.

The Forest Farm Centre for Cerebral Palsied Adults would like to extend a warm hand to thank all the members of the community for their support this year.

“During the holiday season our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our year successful,” said the organisation’s Hans Pater.

The community is encouraged to continue to keep the organisation in its thoughts. “With so many opportunities to give to worthy causes, we appreciate your willingness to include Forest Farm among those that you support.”

The ‘home away from home’ now cares for close to 100 adults between the ages of 23 and 74 with moderate to severe cerebral palsy. Photo: Supplied

The organisation would like to encourage the community to continue to support its endeavours.

On the Forest Farm wish list this year:

  • Toilet/ shower commodes
  • Strong raincoats/ponchos
  • Gazebos
  • Sunscreen
  • Medical gloves
  • Mobile bain-marie
  • Manicure sets
  • Toiletries
  • Industrial food processor (to purée food)
  • PVA washable wall paint.

“Our warmest thoughts and best wishes for a marvellous holiday season and throughout the New Year,” Pater concluded.

If you would like to get involved with Forest Farm, you can contact Bulelwa Mahura at bulelwa@forest-farm.org.

Details: Forest Farm Centre 011 789 3008.

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