Hot 91.9FM celebrates 5th birthday

SANDTON – In celebration of its 5th birthday, Hot 91.9FM hosted its annual teddy-thon which raised over R3.7 million.

Hot 91.9FM radio station celebrated its fifth birthday this month with its annual teddy-thon fundraiser which raised just over R3.7 million.

With a goal of just R2 million, the Hot team dawned on Sandton City to both entertain the public and encourage donations for a solid 12-hour live broadcast.

The teddy-thon ran from 6am to 6pm on 15 November. The team was joined by local celebrities such as Daniel Baron, Jeremy Mansfield, Mark Pilgrim, Pedro Barbosa and Beverly Jayne who provided live performances and live broadcasts.

Radio DJs Adrian Naidoo and Shane Wellington join in on the family fun. Photo: Chante’ Ho Hip

Watch Pedro Barbosa performance:

At just 11am, the teddy-thon had raised just over R1.9 million. All the money raised will go to help those in need within the Hot 91.9 FM community.

Musicians Beverly Jayne and Lindsay McGuire entertain the crowd to encourage donations. Photo: Chante’ Ho Hip

The radio station is well known for its community outreach.

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Hot 91.9FM cares for the community

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