City ceases illegal connections

JOHANNESBURG – According to an owner who approached the MMC, as far as the tenants are concerned, their utility bills are paid and up to date.

The City of Joburg is on the hunt to curb non-paying business property owners who have racked up a large municipal debt.

The city of Johannesburg MMC for Finance, councillor Funzela Ngobeni, joined operation Buya Mthetho in Region E on 1 October to bring a landowner on Rivonia Road to book.

According to the City’s director of finance and economic development, Lufuno Mashau, the landlord in question has not paid its utility bill since 2013 – the utility bill totals R13 million to date.

“Joburg Water has gone to inspect the property on a number of occasions to disconnect the water meters. During the cut-off process, a City official was allegedly offered an R500 000 bribe to restore water,” said Ngobeni.

Upon recent inspection, it was revealed that the owner illegally connected said property with a makeshift water connection from the building next door. According to City records, the landlord owns five stands on Rivonia Road, indicating that he was simply aiding one property with the other.

One of the properties in question currently houses a number of businesses. According to an owner who approached the MMC, as far as the tenants are concerned, their utility bills are paid and up to date. But according to the City, the landlord’s account is in arrears.

Also included in the properties is a newly renovated petrol station. “The filling station was served with a pre-termination notice on 21 August 2019 and full water restrictions were implemented last week,” Ngobeni said. But despite the water restrictions, the petrol station remains fully operational.

“We’d like to issue a strong warning to all those who think that they can sidestep the law and not pay for the City’s services. Hefty fines will be imposed on all those found to be on the wrong side of the law. Our officials are not for sale. Those who cannot pay, know that they can approach the City and make payment arrangements rather than attempt to bribe them,” Ngobeni said.

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