#IMadeMyMark: Seniors share their words of wisdom to the youth

SANDTON – Workers at the Manor Retirement Village encourage the youth to vote.


With the elections coming up on 8 May, workers at Manor Retirement Village shared words of wisdom to the youth and urged them to join Caxton Local Media’s #Imademymark campaign.

Worker Florence Mvinjelwa (59), said even though she had not seen much change since she started voting, she trusted the youth to take the reins one day and make a change. “I have been voting for a while now, I am still not satisfied but I know one day our children will make us proud,” she said.

Veterina Memeza and Florence Mvinjelwa hope to see some improvements after the elections. Photo: Itumeleng Komana

Another staff member, Veterina Memeza (54), shared the same sentiments. “The youth should really take voting seriously. We are growing old, we won’t be here for much longer,” she said. “We hope that one-day things change and South Africa will be a better country. This can only be achieved by ‘fresh’ minds of the youth.”

Sharon Shavil (77), a trustee at the village said, “I feel that slowly the youth is losing interest in South African politics. This really worries me because we are depending on them to come up with innovative ways to ‘fix’ the country,” she said. “I strongly encourage them to vote and make their voices heard.”

Sharon Shavil can’t wait to cast her vote on 8 May. Photo: Itumeleng Komana

A few other issues were discussed including housing, unemployment, the South African Constitution and service delivery. “I feel that a lot still needs to be improved in terms of implementing what is stated in the Constitution,” added Shavil. “But I will keep voting until there is an improvement.”

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