
The 10 Best Features of Luxury Watches

Luxury watches are sold at very expensive prices which makes it really important that you buy the right watch. What should you consider in choosing a luxury watch?

Buying a luxury watch will without a doubt come with some expectations. After all, when you are paying out more than you’d generally pay for an accessory of this kind, you will want to know that the watch you are buying comes with certain features that warrant such a price tag.

It is true that the price does to a certain extent relate to the watch brand as well as its famous reputation, but there is also a variety of features which will point to the watch being luxury rather than your everyday kind of buy.

The best luxury watches won’t necessarily have all of the features listed below, but it is safe to say that if you are on the lookout to buy a luxury watch, you will want to see if the one you are looking at has some or all of these features.

  1. Automated movements

There are 3 main types of watch movements which are popular within the industry these days, but the one that truly screams luxury is the mechanical watch. These watches don’t rely on batteries to keep the mechanism working.

In the past, mechanical watches required winding, but these days they are automated, which means they have an inner spring that keeps it ticking.

  1. The brand is synonymous with luxury

Any watch which has earned its reputation for being on the upper end of watchmaking, tends to be considered luxury as it takes years to build a reputation in an industry with the leading companies boasting centuries old histories.

That said, there is no such thing as a best brand, as each has their own unique approach to watch making that makes them so popular.

  1. Made in Switzerland, Japan or Germany

While watches coming from any of these nations doesn’t guarantee quality, the general assumption in the watch community is that if the watch is manufactured in Germany, Switzerland, or Japan, it will be a luxury buy. Watches like Rolex, IWC, Tag Heuer and Panerai.

It is true that some of the oldest, most reputable brands in the world are based in these countries, but there are other nations in the world, like the USA, who are producing equally luxurious timepieces.

  1. A reflective coating

It is far from the most obvious thing to be looking for, but some of the best luxury watches will have a reflective coating which will prevent the glare of the sun, or any bright light for that matter, from blurring out the time. Cheaper watches generally don’t have this helpful albeit often lesser known feature.

  1. Gemstones and metal

It goes without saying that if your watch features gemstone decorations, it is going to be on the higher end of the price range and it will also be a mark of luxury. Watch straps with metal bracelets and particularly metal screws are also a feature that only the most luxurious watches will have.

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