Sandown High School learners get involved with A Re Sebetseng

SANDOWN – Learners spent their morning cleaning up their school and learning about their environment.

Learners from Sandown High School took part in an A Re Sebetseng clean-up to help keep their own school environment in good condition.

Staff from Pikitup went through to the school on 15 March to give them a presentation about the A Re Sebetseng campaign and the importance of keeping their school clean.

Principal Edward Makasane said, “The children have really been made aware to look after their own space, to look after their own school because a clean, healthy environment will help lead to a healthy learning mind.”

Learners from Sandown High School are proud of their efforts. Photo: Laura PIsanello

Makasane, who only began the job in January, said that this is the second time that the school learners have participated in a clean-up at the school. He commended Pikitup for their presentation and said that he believes it really made an impact on the learners.

“It’s a beautiful programme and we want it to be sustainable. We don’t want it to end today but we want to make sure that our school, at all times, and is clean. If the learners take ownership of their own environment I believe that it will be sustainable.”

Makasane added that he hopes the perception and the attitude towards the environment among children changes so that they can create a sustainable change.

Sandown High School principal Edward Makasane and Region E coordinator for A Re Sebetseng Phindo Lethoko enjoy their time at the clean-up. Photo: Laura Pisanello

Phindi Lethoko, the Region E coordinator for A Re Sebetseng, said, that the presentation included a range of information about the environment, the range of services that Pikitup provides and how learners can get in touch with them.

Any person who wishes to get involved with A Re Sebetseng can contact Phindi Lethoko on

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