Special Olympics South African team needs support ahead the upcoming games in March

SANDTON – Support the Special Olympics team through the Adopt an Athlete Campaign.

Special Olympics South Africa, which is based in Bryanston, officially launched the #BackOurTeam campaign, to encourage all South Africans to get behind the Special Olympics South Africa national team ahead of their preparation for the Special Olympics.

A team of 70 determined and inspirational athletes will be looking for further support from South Africans with funds to help them reach their goal of representing South Africa on a global stage.

The games will be held from the 14 to 21 March, where 7 500 athletes from around the globe will compete in over 20 Olympic type sporting codes.

Dr Mathews Phosa, chairman of Special Olympics South Africa opened the proceedings and requested all South Africans to back the athletes. “Every day our athletes face prejudice, discrimination and a lack of belief in their abilities. Coupled with limited access to sports facilities and equipment and perhaps the most heart-breaking of all, very little support or acknowledgement from our society. However, despite all of these obstacles our athletes remain committed and they persevere, oh my word do they persevere. South Africa, lets back our team this year.”

The games will act as a catalyst for inclusion, building a lasting legacy of improved health, education, and opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities long after the closing ceremony of the World Games.

Athletes enjoy the launch of the ‘Back Our Team’ campaign. PHOTO: Supplied 

Special Olympics South Africa CEO, Ancilla Smith shared the successes of the South African team at the last World Games and thanked all attendees for their continued support.

“We are eternally grateful to businesses and initiatives who support us, one being the National Lotteries Commission who have generously backed our team with funds for flights. We hope to raise further funds for the team through the ‘Adopt an Athlete Campaign’ and hope to bring home even more medals than ever before.”

Through the ‘Adopt an Athlete Campaign’, Special Olympics South Africa is calling on companies and individuals to adopt an athlete for R35 000 to ensure that all the athletes have the opportunity to compete with pride and are well equipped among the 7 500 athletes attending.

Retired soccer player Mark Fish highlights the importance of supporting the Special Olympics athletes. PHOTO: Supplied 

The Special Olympics team will depart from OR Tambo on 7 March and will be hoping to replicate the same success of the 2015 Special Olympics South Africa Summer games team who returned victorious with 61 medals in Los Angeles.

How do you plan to support athletes ahead of the upcoming Special Olympics Games? Share your thoughts on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page

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