Helpful details for contacting the City to attend to issues in Sandton central

SANDTON – Having the right contacts can make reporting issues easier.

When you need to contact the City of Joburg to make things happen, having the correct contact details at your fingertips can make a big difference.

Elaine Jack, City Improvement District manager of Sandton Central Management District (SCMD) provided some tips on who to contact.

“When you see something that needs improving or fixing, by logging it with the City you help take charge of your neighbourhood, and this serves to make it better. We are the eyes and ears of the City and our district,” said Jack.

She said logging your request with the correct department and in the right way helps speed up the results and makes it easier for everyone involved.

It is the responsibility of the city’s councillors to step in on behalf of residents and to ensure the municipality implements its policies and procedures to address the needs of its citizens. “However, it is important to remember, if an issue wasn’t properly logged in the first place, your councillor will not be able to escalate it.”

Vincent Earp is the councillor for Sandton central. He is available from 8am to 5pm on 079 882 2652 and

To report various issues call:

You can expect service turnaround times for different services, ranging from up to 30 days for grass-cutting in open spaces, seven days for grass cutting in cemeteries, 24 hours for fallen trees and branches and 30 days for pruning trees. The response time for cutting grass in parks will vary, depending on the status of the park.

Do you have the contact details for the various departments? Share your stories with us on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page

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