Bryanston High Grade 9s inspired by Kitty and Puppy Haven

BRYANSTON – The youngsters helped raise over R5 000 for the animal shelter during term one.


Grade 9s at Bryanston High School committed to their year of kindness, raised over R5 000 for Kitty and Puppy Haven.

Earlier this year Ark, which stands for Random Acts of Kindness, provided the school with ‘ark’s’ which are essentially piggy banks which the kids could use to save money.

However, a visit from Kitty and Puppy Haven inspired them to save their money for a good cause.

Nadia Karzcmarczyk, the Grade 9 head at the school, explained that each grade is given a value through which they are encouraged to live by. This year, the Grade 9s were given ‘kindness’ and decided that helping animals in need was an ideal way to show this.

Throughout term one and a bit of term two, youngsters were able to collect money in their arks which were then handed over to the animal shelter.

“I think when Kitty and Puppy Haven came here and explained how cruel humans can be to animals and the rescues that they have to take in and can’t be rehabilitated because of what people have done to them, really motivated the learners,” said Karzcmarczyk.

Shortly after their donation was handed over a fire broke out at the shelter. Thankfully, Karzcmarczyk added, the arks weren’t destroyed in the fire and the donation came at a much-need time. Following the fire, the children also had a blanket drive at the school to help assist the shelter.

Karzcmarczyk added that handing over the money and seeing some of the animals from the shelter had inspired the children to continue helping organisations in need.

“Animals are really special to me so I try to drive our charity initiatives towards animals because they don’t have their own voice.”

For future charity projects, Karzcmarczyk hopes to assist more animal shelters in need and continue to inspire young learners to donate to worthy causes.

Details: Bryanston High School 011 706 6010.

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