What to do in the event of a burglary

Remain as calmly as possible

to face with an aggressive intruder, remain calm. Running or screaming can result in

the intruder becoming agitated. • As calmly as possible, tell the intruder to take your belongings and leave.

home, call your security provider and the police from a neighbouring business or a neighbour’s house and remain there

until the police and security company have searched your office or home.

or even making a call. By doing so they’ve left fingerprints which make the difference between an arrest and a repeat offence.

your office or home they can usually

also determine the point of entry. Knowing which area(s) of your home are vulnerable to intruders can tell you where you need to enhance your security installation.

them back.

investigation. You will be able to avoid any problems and delays with insurance settlements as well as providing police with evidence.

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