What are locals doing for #MandelaDay…

SANDTON – We asked Sandton residents what their plans for Mandela Day are.

Mandela Day takes place on 18 July and communities offer up 67 minutes of their time to help the less fortunate. We asked Sandon residents what their plans are and what they think about the 67 minutes. Here is what they had to say …

MEI OLIVIER: I wouldn’t want it to just be about Nelson Mandela just because he did something great. People should be doing something every day to give back.
PAUL WEIDEMAN: I have no idea what I am doing. People should do more to help out in the communities like build schools.
RYAN COSKEY: I don’t think it is a good thing because it has become commercialised but it helps people to do something. People shouldn’t wait for Mandela Day.
ZAIN ADAMS: I don’t have plans yet. It is great that people do it but it should become a lifestyle instead of having the mindset of waiting for a day.
ANDA BICI: People should just live like that every day and not just on Mandela Day, they should live according to his values. I am going to visit schools on the day.
DONNA ANDREWS: I crocheted eight blankets to give to the needy and will do food packing. People do their bit throughout the year and the majority are involved in soup kitchens and donations.
THEO DEMBE: I don’t have anything planned as I am busy at school but people should do something more than once a year like sewing blankets for the homeless.
FAITH MSIZA: I learned how to bake bread and will be handing out bread to the less fortunate. I believe that one random act of kindness can make a difference.
MICHELLE DE LA HARP: I don’t have anything planned yet. But I believe a few minutes of kindness every day should happen more than once a year.

Also read:

IN PICTURES: Touching moments at the #MandelaLecture with #Obama

WATCH: #MandelaLecture guests chant ‘Yes we can’ as Obama takes podium

Do you have anything planned on the day? Share your stories with us on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page

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