How secure are you? Here’s how you can find out

SANDTON – The Sandton Chronicle and Eblockwatch have launched an exciting new security portal.

In last week’s edition of the newspaper, the Sandton Chronicle asked, ‘How secure are you?’ and announced that something big was coming to the publication.

Now, this newspaper can reveal what it is: The Sandton Chronicle along with Eblockwatch – which uses technology to track down criminals – is launching a security portal on its website and various articles and informative pieces will be reported on in our newspaper in a bid to ensure readers know what police and security experts believe it takes to stay safe. This will include an interesting column by Eblockwatch’s Andre Snyman.

“Eblockwatch creates a haystack through reported crimes in order to find the needle,” said Snyman.

“Through the incidents, we are then able to connect the dots through the sharing of information with the community.”

Accessing the online security feature, readers will be able to:
• Take a survey to find out how secure they are
• Read the latest crime news in the Sandton area
• Find tips on how to stay safe
• Give your security a boost by stocking up on the latest gadgets
• View crimes reported by your community on the live map
• Read up on Sandton crime stats, as released by

More features will become available over the next few months.

Click here to access the security portal

ALSO READ: Eblockwatch: How technology can combat crime

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