Bryanston man continues to clean Main Road

SANDTON – Months after starting to clean Main Road in Bryanston, Elias Cindi wants to purchase a brushcutter.


A homeless man that chose not to beg, but rather help the community by cleaning Main Road in Bryanston has set a new goal.

Sandton Chronicle reported on Elias Cindi in I didn’t want to beg, week ending 8 December 2017 who selflessly started to clean the sidewalks and centre islands in Bryanston.

Since then, a kind resident has given Cindi a cellphone and he still works hard to keep the area clean. However, Cindi still remains homeless and continues to sleep outside at Peter Place.

This has not stopped the 51-year-old originally from Mpumulanga and Cindi has recently saved some money and put a deposit down on a petrol powered brush cutter, which he will use to cut the grass on the verges.

“I want to cut the grass on the sidewalks and need the machine to do it. I would also like to buy a chainsaw someday to be able to trim some of the trees.”

To date, Cindi has put down R3 080 and still requires R1 615 to be able to buy the brushcutter. “I receive money from passing motorists. I have a lot of respect for the community and I feel good for helping them.”

However, he said it might take a few weeks for him to save up the money to purchase the brushcutter.

My dream is to get my certificate and open up my own gardening service one day,” said Cindi.

If you would like to assist Elias with donations towards the brushcutter, you can donate to him at Mr Greenfinger in Randburg.

Details: Mr Greenfinger 011 886 3316.

Have you seen Elias Cindi working in Bryanston? Share your stories with us on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page.


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