UPDATE: Legal firm asks man who dumped dog to step down

SANDTON – The Sandton SPCA has condemned the heartless action of a man who dumped a dog on the side of the road.

Update, 2 June, 8.30am:

The Sandton SPCA has issued a statement confirming that the family involved in the dog dumping incident in Kensington has offered an unreserved apology for their actions, and has accepted full responsibility.

The family experienced a traumatic weekend following the sudden death of a family member and the accidental death of their dog. They acknowledge, however, that this does not excuse their actions.

The apology

The man seen in the video, disposing the body of his family dog, stated in his apology, “I have acknowledged that I was completely wrong in disposing of the body of Mbali as I did. I have expressed, and I continue to express, my sincere regret and remorse for my unacceptable conduct.

“As a means of apologising, which I know is not enough, I offered to assist the SPCA in various ways including community service and initiatives promoting the values and rights that the SPCA strives to uphold. I am aware that my apology will not change the facts. However, I hope that my future conduct and actions will show how truly sorry I am. I will continue to co-operate with the SPCA.

“Importantly, I would also like to apologise to everyone who has been affected by my actions.”

The SPCA, at this point, cannot prove any form of animal abuse or contraventions of the Animals Protection Act.

The act of illegal dumping, however, stands.


The SPCA’s response

The Sandton SPCA wishes to send a clear message that they will not tolerate any form of animal cruelty, and stand firm with their mission to prevent cruelty to animals.

“We appreciate the outcry and support we have received in this matter,” said Jaco Pieterse, general manager of Sandton SPCA.

“The Sandton SPCA does not condone the actions by the family, but also does not condone threats of violence to any individuals. The family has given their full co-operation with the investigation.”


The legal firm’s response

The legal firm that the man is currently working for has also released a statement on their Facebook page in light of the incident.

“Bowman is aware of a recent incident involving one of our partners, which the SPCA brought to light [on 31 May].

“The incident is extremely upsetting to all of us, both employees and the public at large. This behaviour is not reflective of the firm’s culture or values and cannot be condoned.

“Following further investigation and as an initial step, we have asked the partner to step down from his management role with immediate effect and he has agreed to do so. We have also placed him on special leave to allow him time to deal with the consequences of his actions.

“The partner is dealing with the SPCA directly and has agreed to cooperate with them fully.”


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Update, 31 May, 4pm

The Sandton SPCA has released a statement regarding the individual responsible for the heartless dumping of his family dog.

The man in question is a leading member of the legal fraternity and works for a well-known law firm in Sandton.

Jaco Pieterse, general manager for the Sandton SPCA said his inspectors paid a visit to the office of the person in order to question him about the incident. He was allegedly away on a private matter at the time.

“During a teleconference held at the law offices, [he] admitted to dumping the carcass of his family dog. He then agreed to meet with SPCA inspectors on his return to Johannesburg next week.

“The Sandton SPCA is stunned by the behaviour of a leading member of the legal fraternity, and for his carelessness towards a beloved family pet,” said Pieterse.

“The lack of respect for an animal – even for one who had died – and the lack of respect for legislation, especially by someone who should be upholding the law, leaves us speechless.”

In a statement sent to the Sandton SPCA from the law firm in question, the head of operations: Business development at the law firm, confirmed that a senior representative of the firm had met with the SPCA ‘at short notice to discuss the incident that is trending on social media’.

“We discussed the matter with the individual concerned and have satisfied ourselves that this is a personal matter that does not involve the firm,” she said.

Pieterse concluded, “We understand the individual is cooperating fully with the SPCA. The Sandton SPCA will ensure that justice is served, and is in the process of laying criminal charges for illegal dumping in terms of the by-laws of the City of Johannesburg.”

*Although the individual’s name and the name of the company he works for are in the public domain, Sandton Chronicle has made the decision to omit them to protect his family and the company from possible victimisation. 

What do you think about the man’s action? Share your views on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page.


Earlier, 31 May, 10am

The Sandton SPCA has started an investigation to have charges brought against a man who dumped a dead dog in Kensington.

Jaco Pieterse, general manager at the Sandton SPCA said the organisation condemned the dumping of a carcass of a dog earlier this week.

The heartless action was caught on CCTV footage and shows a well-dressed motorist exit his silver Mercedes Benz and open the boot of his car.

He looks around several times before callously tossing the carcass onto the side of the road.

Pieterse added, “At this point, the cause of death of the dog is unknown and the carcass will be sent for a post-mortem.

“The details of the perpetrator have been traced from the vehicle’s registration number, which can clearly be seen on the CCTV footage.”

Pieterse said that an urgent meeting has been requested by the Sandton SPCA with the suspect.

“[Depending on the outcome of the post-mortem], criminal charges will be laid by the Sandton SPCA to ensure that justice is served.”

This is a developing story and more details will be added as they become available.

What do you think about the man’s action? Share your views on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page.


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