Follow these tips and don’t become a victim of hijacking

SANDTON – The Sandton police have released a list of things to look out for to prevent a highjacking.


Hijacking has become one of the most prevalent crimes in the area and most hijackings occur for the sole purpose of taking the car.

In light of this, the Sandton police have issued some steps to take to protect yourself by becoming familiar with the methods, ruses and locations commonly used by hijackers.

Captain Granville Meyer spokesperson for the Sandton Police Station said reported crimes on hijackings are lower than in January 2017.

“We are currently focusing on stepping up our patrols and during night shifts, the patrol vehicles are having their blue lights on the hotspots.

“We’ve also put in a multi-agency approach in place with the JMPD, local security companies and community policing forums.”

Meyer said the first step to avoiding an attack is to stay alert at all times and be aware of your environment. Accidents are one ruse used by attackers to control a victim.

Thes following are common attack plans:





Meyer said to stay calm during a hijacking. “In most carjacking situations, the attackers are interested only in the vehicle.

“Avoidance is the best way to prevent an attack. Use your judgement to evaluate the situation and possible reactions. Know safe areas to go to in an emergency.”

Meyer added that non-confrontation is often the best response. “The objective is not to thwart the criminal but to survive!”

The most likely places for a hijacking are:

Learn to avoid these areas and situations if possible. If not, take steps to prevent an attack.

Do you follow these anti-hijacking tips? Share your views with us on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page.

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