Explorers group celebrates third birthday

BRYANSTON – The Explorers Friendship and Chat Group invites older people to get together and socialise once a month.


The Explorers Friendship and Chat Group celebrated its third birthday in Bryanston.

The group was launched to give older people the opportunity to build friendships and host a variety of talkers to engage with them. On 20 April, the birthday celebration included a talk by Stella Douglas, who taught the group relaxation techniques.

During the past three years, there had been around 45 speakers and many interesting outings, all of which had been greatly enjoyed by members.

Shelley Addis, the coordinator of the group said, “We are delighted to have a most engaging and energetic speaker, Stella Douglas. Stella has a background in the arts, drama and television. She is a natural and uplifting storyteller and an accredited yoga instructor. With her, we explored and exchanged experiences on staying young, in our own eyes but also that of our families and friends.”

Douglas’s opening question for consideration was, “How does our thread in the tapestry of life fit in?” This led to two points which members of the group discussed, namely, how you age and your significance in the world.

Members of the Explorers group practice a variety of yoga positions.

Douglas discussed how it could be difficult for older people to feel significant in a world that is constantly changing, however, she added that their actions towards others would make them significant.

Douglas also encouraged the group to stay active and explore fun aspects of exercise. The group was taken through a series of chair and standing yoga exercises, including a range of freestyle dance exercises, much to the delight of the group.

The May Explorers Meeting will be an outing to the Botanical Art Exhibition at the Everard Read Gallery in Rosebank on 18 May. Guided walkabouts and painting demonstrations by top South African artists using different mediums are on the programme. The exhibition comprises over 800 artworks from 25 participating countries and 82 South African botanical artists.

Members of the Explorers group practice a variety of seated yoga exercises.

Details: Shelley Addis 083 409 7927.

Have you attended one of the Explorer Group’s meetings? Share your thoughts on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page


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