
Saga of no electricity bills for Bryanston business continues

BRYANSTON – Business owners are frustrated at City Power's lack of response to their honest pleas for electricity bills for the past three years.


Bryanston business owner Travis van Crombrugge is angered by the lack of response from City Power to his constant pleas to receive an electricity bill.

Sandton Chronicle wrote about van Crombrugge’s woes in No electricity bill for 3 years, Week ending 2 February. Travis and his business partner Peter van Crombrugge have gone to great lengths to receive an electricity bill for the past three years, to no avail.

Travis van Crombrugge shows the Sandton Chronicle the prepaid electricity box outside his business that has been bridged. Photo: Sarah Koning

After many phone calls and visits to City Power, they fear that the entity will one day surprise them by backdating their bills with interest.

“Ward councillor Mike Wood helped us out and said he had escalated the matter to top officials, but we have still received no contact from them,” said Travis.

“We are tired of fighting a system that doesn’t work. It’s not fair. We don’t want to attack the municipality but just want to be good citizens who pay our bills.”

Peter said he feared that when City Power realised their error, they would penalise the business with a fine. “We have been begging for a bill for such a long time,” he said.

“We have been trying to keep records of our electricity consumption, and hope they will do something to help us.”

Ward 104 councillor Mike Wood said City Power’s revenue department had sent the query to its billing department so that the meter would be linked to the bill. “This should be sorted by the next billing cycle,” said Wood.

Travis was also concerned about the sudden rise in his rates and taxes bill from about R5 000 one month to R24 000 the next.

City Power responded to questions from Sandton Chronicle saying that the matter would be investigated. Spokesperson for City Power Virgil James said, “It is not normal for a business to be functioning with electricity that is bypassed for so long. All attempts will be made to connect the power legally and make contact with the business owner.”

Travis van Crombrugge observes the electricity box outside his business, which has been bridged. Photo: Sarah Koning

Have you experienced a similar problem at your home or office? Let us know on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page.


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