UPDATE: Grace Mugabe is a no-show at court, reportedly still in SA

SANDTON – Grace Mugabe, Zimbabwe's first lady, was rumoured to have absconded and landed in Zimbabwe. Reports suggest she is still in South Africa awaiting her husband's arrival.


Update, 16 August 10 am

According to IOL and African Independent, Grace Mugabe is still in South Africa. She is reportedly waiting for her husband, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, to arrive in South Africa today as he will be attending the 37th summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

“She (Grace) is still in South Africa. She had been told to wait until President Mugabe arrives in South Africa where he is scheduled to attend this week’s SADC summit. It really wouldn’t have made sense for her to flee to Zimbabwe yet as President Mugabe is travelling to South Africa,” an anonymous source told African Independent.


Update, 15 August 03:36 pm

It is rumoured that Grace Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s first lady, has landed at Harare International Airport. However, these rumours could not be verified.

The Sandton Chronicle is currently awaiting confirmation of this.

LISTEN: #GraceMugabe’s victim talks about her ordeal

LISTEN: Minister of Police got it wrong on the #GraceMugabe matter





Update, 15 August 03:00 pm

Brigadier Vish Naidoo has confirmed that no arrests have been made as a warrant of arrest has not been issued. There was an agreement with a legal team to hand the suspect over but that has not materialised. A case of assault is being investigated but Naidoo cannot confirm what is currently happening at the Randburg Magistrates’ Court.

The Sandton Chronicle is currently waiting for Grace Mugabe to arrive at the court.


Update, 15 August 01:25 pm

It has been confirmed that first lady Grace Mugabe will appear in the Randburg Magistrates’ Court this afternoon. There has been a delay as the court is still waiting for the docket to arrive.


LISTEN: Fikile Mbalula gives insight on the Grace Mugabe assault matter on EWN


Update, 15 August 07:35 am

According to the Citizen, Gauteng Community Safety MEC Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane condemned the behaviour of Grace Mugabe. “I am deeply appalled and devastated by the allegations of assault on a young woman by Grace Mugabe. It is worrying especially since the assault happened during the month when we commemorate women for their role in the liberation struggle,” Nkosi-Malobane told the Citizen.

Nkosi-Malobane has ordered law enforcement agencies in Gauteng to investigate the matter to ensure justice is served. A case of assault had reportedly been opened at a police station in Johannesburg.

In July, the Mugabe sons were allegedly evicted from an apartment in Sandton after a fight that left a security guard injured.


Original report, 14 August 03:12 pm

According to tweets making the rounds on social media, Zimbabwe’s first lady Grace Mugabe allegedly attacked a young girl named Gaby using an extension cord in a Sandton hotel. Gaby also claimed that the first lady’s bodyguards stood by and watched the incident unfold.

According to Zimbabwe News Live, Grace Mugabe was then evicted from the hotel by hotel management. It is reported that the hotel guests involved agreed to leave the premises after discussing the matter for half an hour.






Zimbabwe News Live released an article claiming that the young girl was living with Mugabe’s sons, Robert Jnr (25) and Chatunga (21).






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