Still waiting for CCMA payout

RIVONIA – Labour company has still not paid out after a three-year wait.


Three years ago, Melissa Sittig worked for Yise Beverages in Kyalami but due to a series of negative incidents, she was left with no choice but to resign.

Sittig said, “I discovered one of the partners was stealing from the company as I found many invoices that were never declared.”

Sittig approached her boss, Muzi Kunene, about the invoices but things took a turn for the worst.

“Kunene’s father is one of the directors for ABI Bottling and he began accusing me of stealing R20 000 from the company. I had no choice but to resign.”

Sittig took her case to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and worked through Labour Law Services in Rivonia. She won her case and was awarded an R11 000 payout in April last year, but her problems only persisted.

Sittig’s mother, Dorothy Lubbe, who assisted Sittig with the paperwork for Labour Law Services said, “They (Labour Law Services) have taken three years to attend to my daughter’s case. They have lost her documents four times. On 11 April, I went into the offices where I was told they have closed my daughter’s case despite us still waiting for the payout. The staff turnover is very high and they have moved offices many times.”

Management was not available for comment at Labour Law Services.

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Consultant Trey Adams at Labour Law Services said, “The reason that she has not been paid out yet could be because Yise Beverages refuses to pay anything, however, it still doesn’t make sense why the CCMA has no record of her case.”

Sandton Chronicle visited the Labour Law Services office and was informed that no management was around and the office looked abandoned and dismal.

Sitting replied, “Even if Yise Beverages refuses to pay, a summons would be served on them and the case would be attached to Yise’s property, but nothing has happened.”

The reception desk at Labour Law Services with no information of company’s details.

Lubbe concluded, “You can never get hold of anyone at Labour Law Services. I have been told over and over [again] to send an email, which I do, but nobody gets back to me. There is definitely something strange going on and the fact that management never gets involved is appalling.”

Senior case manager, Gloria Thomas said,”The applicant needs to come into the CCMA and sign a document which will begin the process of enforcement with Yise Beverages.”

Yise Beverages was unavailable for comment.

Have you had a negative experience with Labour Law Services? Tell us on Whatsapp on 079 439 5345.

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