Sandton crime trends across the sectors

SANDTON – Housebreakings are on the increase in the latest crime trends for the Sandton precinct.


The Sandton police had various successes this past week with 39 arrests made.

According to Constable David Mothapo, spokesperson for the Sandton Police Station, a 30-year-old suspect was arrested for attempted housebreaking in Gallo Manor.

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“The victim alleges that he was roused from his sleep by barking dogs and he heard someone calling him. When he went downstairs he found a security guard who told him there was a housebreaking,” said Mothapo who added that while the two were investigating, they came across a broken kitchen window and found the suspect hiding under a table.

The police were called and the 27-year-old suspect was arrested and has appeared in court.

Suspects were arrested for the following crimes:

Mothapo said the current crime trends across the four sectors include housebreaking, hijacking, armed robberies and theft.

Sandton police have issued a warning to the community in light of a suspect who was recently arrested for fraud. The community is advised to remain vigilant and not fall victim to fraudsters who pose as forex and/or JSE traders.

“The perpetrators approach unsuspecting victims and promise to make them wealthy by trading in the markets,” added Mothapo.

With housebreaking and hijacking on the increase, how do you ensure the safety of your family? Let us know on @Sandton_News

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