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Nothing like a mother’s love

JOHANNESBURG – Read about what a 13-year-old girl did to thank her mother for her support.


There is nothing like a mother’s love and support, and a case in point is 13-year-old Joburg resident, Jessi Thompson’s mom, who the little girl calls her very own superhero.

Thompson, who has just started high school and has her heart set on the silver screen, wanted to thank her mother, Nadine, in a special way as she has supported and motivated her. So, with help from McCain, Jessi thanked her mom for all the little things she does in a unique and special way.

McCain is running a limited ‘share your moments’ competition as they help people dish out their ‘thank you’ to their mothers in a special way. Thompson was able to get help from McCain after she entered the competition.

“It has been me and my mom for most of my life. Things haven’t always been easy, but my mom works super hard to give me this beautiful life and I am so grateful.

“I love singing, dancing and acting. Being onstage makes me feel so alive and I love it. I feel very lucky that my mom is always there to cheer me on and encourages me to do my best. She tells me to try my hardest and to be myself.”

Jessi added that dinner time at her house is lots of fun. “It is our special time to catch up and talk about our days. To be honest, it is actually my favourite part of the day and it is just me and mom chatting, laughing and eating yummy food. She is my best friend and we tell each other everything, so keeping this special McCain dinner surprise a secret from her was very hard,” she quipped.

The 13-year-old said staff members from McCain came to her house to help her plan a special dinner for her mom. “We set up a beautiful table and I made chicken nuggets and McCain Texan barbeque crispy oven chips. Chicken is mom’s favourite and, of course, we both love chips. My favourite thing about the dinner was the awesome plate McCain helped me make,” she said.

Thompson wrote a letter to her mom which read, “Mommy thank you for giving me this life. You are Amaze-A-Licious. I love you. Jessi.”

“When my mom saw the message, she smiled so big and it made me so happy. She hugged me super tight and I am so glad that I got to make her feel so loved. She is my superhero and I don’t know what I would do without her.”

She hopes other children will make their moms feel loved by doing something special for them. “It really does not have to be something big, it is about showing her how much you love her, and you can make her a quick snack, a sandwich or even write her a letter telling her how much you appreciate her. We need to thank our moms for the little things that they do that mean everything to us, and make sure they know how Amaze-A-Licious they are,” she concluded.

Details: www.mccainjoys.co.za

What have you done for your mother lately? Share your stories with us on @Fourways_Review

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