Looking back with pride and forward with hope

SANDTON – Ward 102 councillor, David Potter, discusses his 2017 aspirations.


Ward 102 councillor David Potter has a special Christmas wish for residents, and as the year comes to an end he is setting new and exciting goals.

Potter admitted that he had faced a few challenges. “There has been some improvement in basic service delivery in the city, however, a greater improvement is needed. This will take some time and is what we all look forward to,” he said.

Read What’s potting in Ward 102?

The issue of displaced persons is one that is on the agenda of ward councillors throughout Sandton. This socio-economic issue has been widely discussed in the Sandton Chronicle and it comes as no surprise that Potter is aiming to address this issue.

“We are hopeful for the appointment of an increased number of Metro officers to assist with bylaw and traffic management. At present, there are not enough officers to attend to the issues in an effective, timely and consistent manner.”

According to Potter, vacant properties in his ward remains a concern, with many of the properties being owned by the City of Johannesburg. “Continued pressure will be put on the City to ensure the properties are well managed if they are to remain vacant or further developed.”

He also has a few New Year’s resolutions, most of which relate to his duties as a ward councillor. “In 2017, the ward looks forward to increased public participation in decisions around town planning applications and the like. Quarterly cleanups will also be a feature, and suburbs are encouraged to all get together and clean up their neighbourhoods.”

He is excited for a refreshed Bordeaux North Community Forum and is looking forward to working with this committee in the new year.

Ward 103 councillor Vincent Earp, has worked closely with Ward 102 councillor David Potter throughout the year.

Residents are encouraged to Look and Log all issues they see in their suburbs. If residents do not log their questions and concerns, the authorities will more than likely not be able to solve the problems. “Councillors are available to assist with issues that are unresolved if they have been logged and not attended too.”

He concluded with a heartfelt Christmas greeting, “Wishing everyone celebrating a safe, enjoyable and family orientated festive season. I look forward to working with the communities of Ward 102 in 2017.”

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