Letter in response to water restrictions

D E Ferreira writes: Imposing water restrictions due to the drought conditions is acceptable. However, the city council should advise residents as to what their plan of action is to control the wastage of water which has been going on for years. Wherever you drive there is water running in the streets,[Johannesburg is a swamp. …

D E Ferreira writes:

Imposing water restrictions due to the drought conditions is acceptable.

However, the city council should advise residents as to what their plan of action is to control the wastage of water which has been going on for years.

Wherever you drive there is water running in the streets,[Johannesburg is a swamp. You pass Diepsloot and all you see are taps running and this is the case in Alexandra as well. The wastage at taxi ranks is ridiculous.

So, instead of threatening the ratepayers with fines, the city council should look at the problems which are the cause of the real water wastage.

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