
Oh no, it’s poo park

WENDYWOOD – A sewage leak and two big holes pose a threat to users of the Wendywood Play Park.


The Wendywood Play Park poses a serious risk to visitors with two big holes and leaking sewage that have been left unattended to.

According to a concerned resident of Wendywood, Lorraine Williams, the sewage leak has been ongoing for about two years and it is running into the road. “I have paid numerous visits to the sewerage department at Zandfontein and even met a man on site to view the problem,” she said.

A big hole with cables exposed.
A big hole with cables exposed.

Williams added that the person in charge at the department at the time said the problems lay with a contractor laying cables and as soon as that was done, he would attend to the issue. Efforts to obtain the contractor’s details proved unsuccessful.

“The park is used in the afternoons for children to learn soccer and they could get injured should they run after the ball [because] the netting is falling down around the holes. And, needless to say, the stench is disgusting,” said Williams

A trench that can cause injury to park users.
A trench that can cause injury to park users.


DA ward councillor, Werner Smit, visited the site and has reported it, along with other sewage leaks in the area. “I am busy with a huge backlog of issues in Ward 109 since taking office last week under a new municipal administration,” he said.

Details: Councillor Werner Smit 083 308 4160.


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