Female movers and shakers

FOURWAYS – A women in leadership event was held to inspire, uplift and motivate South African women.


A Women in leadership Conference was held at Montecasino in Fourways on 10 August to commemorate, inspire and celebrate South African women in business.

This event was held the day after Women’s Day and an array of successful female leaders delivered speeches on leadership, gender inequality issues and the socio-economic hurdles which women need to overcome.

Schuyla Goodson Bell, the managing director of a Sandton engine rebuilding services company, Cummins, was one of the keynote speakers at the event.

Goodson Bell said, “I came to Africa [from America] because I am a change agent and I want to inspire change in southern Africa. Women can achieve great things when they do the same things at the same time.”

She did an exercise with attendees whereby she made them each place their hands on the shoulders of the other women seated at their table. “This is for us to acknowledge those around us.

“Let us not forget what women achieved in 1956,” she said of the women who marched to the union buildings during apartheid.”

Goodson Bell takes great pride in the fact that she has stimulated the growth and development of her interns. “I have loved watching them grow… Did you know that when you empower and employ one South African, you are helping 10 others [children, spouses and siblings] indirectly. I learnt this when working for Coca-Cola.”

She focuses on the four ‘Ses’ when teaching and leading others. “One needs to focus on self, structure and routine, we should share our stories with others and we need to stand up and support other women.”

In terms of standing up and supporting women, she asked the audience a question, “What are you doing to ensure women have all that they deserve? To all women who do not support other women, shame on you!”

Goodson Bell highlighted the accomplishments of inspirational women at the 2016 Olympics and said that she was particularly inspired by Yusra Mardini, a refugee who is now a swimmer competing in the Olympics. “She had to pull a boat full of refugees across the sea and is now a world-famous athlete.”

She ended her presentation by telling the attendees to look at their reflection in the mirrors that were provided to them. Each woman was then asked to say, “I am smart, I am beautiful, God loves me, I love me.”

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