Charitable preschool gives back

SANDTON – FasTracKids held their annual food collection for charity drive and it was a complete success.


The recent annual food collection for charity drive held at FasTracKids, a preschool in Sandton, was a success according to principal Bernadine Shaw.

“The food collection for charity culminated in great excitement among the very proud little donors,” said Shaw.

“Every year, the preschool lends a helping hand to the Winter Knights [a charity organisation] of the Round Table Golden East 181 [who organise fundraising activities in South Africa], by hosting a non-perishable food collection drive for the less fortunate.”

Shaw explained that their most recent collection was a ‘splendid success’.

“The school would like to extend a very big thank you to all the children, staff and parents who were involved in this initiative.”

Shaw highlighted that the drive is used as an opportunity to familiarise the children with the importance of community care and engagement. “Of course, the best part for the children is that the classes are awarded points for donations and the winning class gets a prize.”

The Grade 0 class was able to donate the most food this year and Shaw said that she was extremely proud of the class’ efforts. “We hope to see the bar being raised next year again. We’re looking forward to a lot of caring coming from our wonderful school and their families in the future.”

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