Imagine.nation warms those in need

SANDTON – Imagine.nation, a volunteer association has given the gift of warmth to a poverty-stricken congregation.


The imagine.nation charity blanket drive brought warmth to the congregation of the New Apostle Church based in Sandton.

Church leader, David Gracey said, “On a cold and windy winter’s morning in June, about 120 members of the New Apostolic Church of the Olivienhoutsbosch congregation gathered in a tent that the members use as their [venue].”

He said the cold front had just arrived in Johannesburg. “Temperatures had dropped significantly relative to the previous gorgeous autumn days. The members sat shivering as they listened to the service and thus it was an ideal opportunity to hand out the blankets donated by imagine.nation.”

He described Olievenhoutbosch as a poverty stricken area and said members of the congregation generally struggled to make ends meet. “Many live in informal shacks in the area,” he added.

He explained the difficulties that he faced in providing a permanent and warm place for the congregation to meet weekly. “The members gather in a tent every Sunday which has to be erected every single time a service takes place. The council has allocated the property on which the tent is erected, however, the church cannot take ownership of the property and thus a permanent structure is not possible at this time.”

He said the recipients of the blankets were extremely grateful to imagine.nation. “Once again, the church would like to express their sincere thank you for the efforts of imagine.nation. Our members have been beneficiaries of your kindness, and their heartfelt gratitude can never be expressed in words,” concluded Gracey.

Read more:

Imagine.nation making charitable progress

Warming, educational charity work

Winter warmer wrap up

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