River Club to the rescue

BRYANSTON - Bryanston and River Club residents practice the true meaning of lending a helping hand by assisting a security guard who was swept off the Belgrave bridge in his car.



Bryanston area security guard, Frank Nolela, is R12 000 richer after residents came together in a wonderful display of community outreach to help him get back on his feet after he was swept off the low-level bridge on Belgrave Road in his car on 14 May due to heavy rain.

Nolela was driving his car, which he had only owned for a month, to his place of work when he was swept off the bridge. With a dedication to his job, Nolela managed to get out of his vehicle and walk nearly 4km to his work on Van Meurs Avenue to start his shift.

“I had been saving up for a car for over five years, and it got destroyed only a month after I bought it,” lamented Nolela.

When members of the Bryanston River Club Community Forum (BRCF) heard about Nolela’s incident, they immediately took to Facebook to ask residents to donate funds and, on 29 May, forum member Rose Bishop handed over the money.

Read: Security guard’s first car lost in flood

“The forum managed to collect nearly R12 000 through cash donations and EFTs,” said Bishop.

“The complex that Nolela works for also donated R3 000.

“I put up the picture of Frank and I standing by his wrecked car in the river on Facebook and shared it with our community WhatsApp group and then, all of a sudden people started saying that they would be willing to help. We are pleased to have been able to help out such a nice man who’s been working in our community for over 16 years. The response from our community has been wonderful.”

Nolela was overjoyed when he received the money and plans to invest it wisely. “This money will help me buy my second car,” he said.

Forum chairperson, Karl Meissner-Roloff was proud of what the community had achieved. “The residents within the BRCF area have become a tightly-knit community through the use of WhatsApp and through the area security initiative,” he said.

“Recently it grew when five streets on the northern border of the spruit became part of the security initiative. Volunteers from this community, together with the ward councillor take on various service delivery issues such as cable theft, water pipe bursts, potholes, and the rehabilitation of the spruit.”

Read: BREAKING NEWS: Car washed off bridge in Bryanston

The Belgrave Road bridge has proven to be very dangerous and has seen more than five accidents in the past year, including one fatal accident.

Johannesburg Roads Agency has stated that the bridge had been cleaned of all debris after heavy rains hit the area two weeks ago, and a team had been to the site for a further inspection.

Community members who wish to contribute to help Nolela can visit the Bryanston River Club Community Forum Facebook page.

Details: Follow Bryanston, River Club Community Forum on Facebook.

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