A yoga lesson for little feet and toes

SANDTON - Pupils of Vuleka Early Learning Centre enjoy a unique yoga lesson which focused on their little feet and toes.


Ombuntu Project, a non-profit organisation founded by Tamlyn Cohen, teaches underprivileged pupils the art of yoga.

Members of Love Yoga came together with the organisation on 6 May to give a yoga class to the pupils of Vuleka Early Learning Centre, based in Benmore.

A teacher from the centre, Judith Mfikwe said, “The pupils love their yoga classes and get so excited when they see the yoga instructors arrive. I have noticed that they are able to concentrate better after the yoga class and it is so good for their bodies.”

Specialist children’s yoga instructor, Sarah Hedding, said the main focus of the lesson was co-ordination and the use of the pupils’ foot muscles. The lesson included many exercises and the pupils were even taught how to carry marbles with their toes. They were then asked to pass a soccer ball around the circle using their feet. Hedding moved around the circle and guided the pupils through the exercise.

The most challenging task was an exercise whereby the pupils had to draw with the use of their toes. “This is a very hard exercise, but it is very good for co-ordination,” explained Hedding.

She was assisted by two other yoga instructors, Eleonore Godfroy and trainee yoga instructor, Hayley Ellis. After all of the activities, all three instructors gave the pupils a foot massage.

“This helps with a connection to their toes and an awareness of their feet. They also love the massage,” said Hedding.

The lesson was concluded with a deep breathing exercise.

Details: Sarah 072 065 6506.

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