Bramley police on the hunt for 2 rapists

MARLBORO – Two men wanted for raping a woman in Marlboro last week

The Bramley police are looking for two suspects linked to a rape incident that took place in Marlboro on 6 May.

The incident took place at about 12am as the victim was making her way home from work.

According to Warrant Officer Moses Maphakela, spokesperson for the Bramley Police Station, two men accosted the woman and pulled her into a nearby field.

“The suspects then demanded the woman’s belongings and after she handed them over, they told her they were also going to have sex with her,” he said.

Despite her pleas, the suspects ordered her to remove her clothing and proceeded to take turns raping her before leaving her lying in the field. Maphakela confirmed that a case of rape had been opened at the Bramley Police Station.

“We are investigating the matter and are still looking for the two suspects,” he said.

Details: 011 445 4100.

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