
Imperial Road Safety shares safety rules at Bryanston Primary School

BRYANSTON – Grade 0 pupils of Bryanston Primary School were taught how to cross the road through a fun dance.


Road safety rules are extremely important and the Grade 0 pupils of Bryanston Primary School were taught the importance of learning road safety.

As part of their Safe Scholar project, Imperial Road Safety introduced the concept to the pupils, teaching them the basics of road safety in a fun and entertaining manner in a bid to get them to remember and relate to the lessons. They were also taught how to cross the road through the medium of dance and mascot Bongie from Imperial Road Safety motivated the pupils to learn the road rules.

“Children are the future leaders and they are the most vulnerable targets as road users, so it is up to us to give them knowledge about practicing road safety rules at a young age. They can also be the policemen in their parents’ cars as they will caution and remind them of what to do and what not to do while driving based on the knowledge they have received [during the Safe Scholar project],” Niki Cronje from Imperial Road Safety said.

Launched in partnership with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) last year as an extension of Imperial’s Scholar Patrol Improvement Project, Safe Scholar aims to create a platform for further education around road safety, aimed at those less fortunate young pedestrians who walk for long distances every day to and from school.

“It is been reported that each year children travel to and from school almost 200 times, exposing them to potential road danger. As a result, we have partnered with the Department of Basic Education, who have not only endorsed the programme but have ensured that the reflective sashes the children received through this programme are mandatory and have even incorporated these as part of the school uniform in some of the schools we have visited. This is to ensure that the children wear the reflective sash when they are walking to and from school, making them more visible while walking to and from school,” Cronje said.

Lucky Maluleke of Imperial Logistics stated that the knowledge of road safety given to the pupils was for a great cause. “Watching them answer questions of what they were taught was pleasing to see, as it is important for them to learn road safety at a young age,” Maluleke expressed.

Headmistress of the school, Cheryl de Melo said that it was great for Imperial Road Safety to visit and teach the pupils the essentials of life such as road safety. “It was pleasant to see the pupils being interactive as they learnt facts about crossing the road and how to conduct themselves in a moving vehicle. This was a wonderful experience for the school and the pupils,” she said.

Details: 011 706 1263.

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