Five-year-old with heart defect gets oxygen machine for school

BUCCLEUCH - A five-year-old boy diagnosed with a congenital heart defect will be joining all the other children going back to school on 13 January.


Throughout his young life, Ayaan Bhoopal has not been able to go to school or interact with other children due to infections caused by his condition, and now finally he will be joining his peers when schools open this year.

He will be starting Grade R at Buccleuch Primary School and his mother, Seshma, is very excited.

She explained that her son had been given a portable oxygen machine with the help of a very kind sponsor, family and friends so her son could join all the other children back at school.

“Ayaan is still on 24-hour oxygen, but he is determined and met every milestone to be at school,” she added.

“He is so excited and his dream of school is finally coming true. I think Ayaan will actually thrive from being at school and this new oxygen machine is making it possible for him to be more mobile.”

She added that despite all the odds, her son had fought every battle and was now ready for a new journey, in the real world.

The youngster was diagnosed with the defect six weeks after his birth which resulted in him not acquiring corrective surgery in time. Ayaan has spent most of his time in 2010, 2011 and 2012 in a paediatric hospital ward.

Last year, he survived his fifth open heart surgery which was performed at Sunninghill Hospital and subsequently celebrated his fifth birthday with a visit to Lamborghini Bryanston.

“He is getting stronger at home, and looking forward to finally being able to go to school,” added Sheshma.

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