Anonymous takes over Sandton

SANDTON - A small group affiliated with a network of activists known as Anonymous took to the Sandton streets in the Million Mask March on 5 November.


Anonymous is a global network of individuals with anti-government sentiments, and in recent years has been involved in hacking and leaking classified information from government agencies, including the recent leaking of the identities of over 1 000 Ku Klux Klan members on 5 November.

The Sandton march was led by group member, Suleiman Bismilla who said, “We’re gathering for the Million Mask March, which is a gathering happening all over the world, in an attempt to fight against corruption, for a better education system and [to combat] crime.

“The public has become sick and tired of how the government has treated the people. Ninety-eight percent of the world’s population is poor and the American Branch released the KKK membership list which included 57 United States Senators, so I feel like the people deserve to know these things.”

The group of marchers gathered in front of the Michelangelo Hotel in Sandton and moved along West Street, stopping at the Nedbank Head Office, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Primedia House.

Bismilla said the march was also a way to inform the public about their future endeavours which will include hacking the bank accounts of senior government officials and releasing their findings.

What do you think of the Anonymous Group and their beliefs? Share your thoughts on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page

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