Angel Shack and Thusong come together for Alex children

WOODMEAD - Residents are urged to make a difference in the lives of children this month by donating children's clothing to the Thusong Youth Community Centre in Alexandra.


This is part of a drive by Woodmead-based furniture manufacturer, Angel Shack, which has partnered with the centre to hand over a generous donation of blankets, food parcels and clothing to the centre’s 850 children.

The collected items will be handed over on 26 August at the centre in Alex and those interested in donating clothing, or any other item, can make the donation through Angel Shack before 24 August.

Thusong is a non-profit organisation based in Alexandra focused on providing food, cultural and sports facilities to children in the community.

Details: To make a donation, contact 011 262 5811.

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