
Resident warns public to be viligant at ATMs

WOODMEAD – Following an alleged robbery at an ATM at the Woodmead Retail Park, a Kelvin resident is cautioning shoppers to remain vigilant when using an ATM at a mall or shopping centre.


According to Anthony Balomenos, the shocking incident unfolded while he was using one of the ATMs at the retail park, when two unmasked men allegedly approached him from behind and demanded his money.

“I was trying to deposit money and while I was busy, the suspects accosted me and one placed a gun against my back, demanding my money,” he said.

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Balomenos added that he handed over R6 400 before the suspects made off in a white unmarked VW Polo. He further alleges that during throughout the security guards did nothing to assist him or try to prevent the incident. Balomenos added that it was distressing that the retail park did so little to assist in catching the men and questioned the level of security.

“Why should someone’s life be placed in danger at an ATM with security personnel all around,” he questioned.

Growthpoint, the owners of the retail park, responded with Martie Vermeulen, the centre manager, confirming that the incident was reported to them.

“The matter was escalated to the security and centre managers,” she said. Vermuelen added that all procedures were followed to assist Balomenos and the matter was reported to the police.

She further stressed that this was an isolated incident, as no other customer had reported a robbery at the ATM and that the safety of the shoppers remained of utmost importance to the retail park.

Warrant Officer Moses Maphakela, spokesperson for Sandton police, confirmed that a case of armed robbery had been opened.

“We have opened a case, but at this stage no one has been arrested and we are still looking for the two suspects,” he said.

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Balomenos stressed that all he wanted was for more effort to be made in trying to catch the suspects and for people to be more vigilant.

“It won’t stop with me and it can happen to anyone else in the future. I don’t want it to happen to anyone else.”

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