Sports journalist skips country fearing for his life

SANDTON - Sports journalist Graeme Joffe posted on his Sportsfire Daily Blog that he is 'holding thumbs' that Sandton police will still help to investigate the case he opened in December last year, before he left the country in fear three months ago.


Joffe did not cite the exact reasons for opening the case, however, he said an acquaintance had hired a private investigator to assist him “after my phone had been illegally tapped and my e-mails hacked”.

He wrote that this occurred after he was investigating allegations of fraud and corruption against many sports officials.

He said on 17 April, he received a phone call from an acquaintance and four days later he fled to USA. “The call from the acquaintance was quick. He said: ‘Graeme, they’re coming to get you, get to a place of safety, don’t go to any public places, get out of your apartment. Call me if you need any help’.”

Joffe said he would not stop seeking the truth. “It has been an emotional roller coaster since arriving in the USA three months ago, but despite being over 8 000 miles away from what was home, I will continue to fight for the South African sportsmen and women who are silenced by corrupt officials and draconian codes of conduct.”

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