Business conference maps economy

JOBURG - South Africa's business leadership profile was outlined at the Serious Social Investing Conference hosted by Tshikululu Social Investments at the Gordon Institute of Business Science.

“Given the state of flux in which South Africa currently finds itself – politically, economically and socially, the need to examine and hash out leadership issues in the country are crucial,” said Tracey Henry, CEO of Tshikululu.

“Government, corporates and non-governmental organisations need to work together to ensure that leadership is nurtured at grassroots level, and continually developed and made relevant to different situations and contexts.”

It is for this reason that Tshikululu had chosen to focus on leadership at a conference. This year’s theme was citizens today, leaders tomorrow, and explored the many facets that influence the critical role of leadership within the social investment context in general, and within South Africa in particular.

“The Serious Social Investing Conference has established itself at the forefront of conversations in the corporate social investment space and gathered some of the industry’s most important players year after year,” said Henry.

This year was no different, and the conference boasted an impressive spread of pioneering leaders from a variety of sectors. Brand Pretorius, the former CEO of McCarthy Retail Limited featured as a guest speaker.

Other guest speakers were Dr Sizwe Mabizela, the new vice-chancellor of Rhodes University; Dr Vincent Maphai, chair of the Discovery Foundation; Paul Verryn, bishop of the Central District, Methodist Church of Southern Africa; and Pepe Marais, the chief creative officer of Joe Public.

Inspirational individuals Paul Gurney, whose adventures have taken him from the North Pole to the Sahara; and Sonja Kruse, the Ubuntu Girl who travelled around South Africa relying on the kindness of strangers were also in attendance.


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