Rivonia Primary School beautifies reserve

PAULSHOF - Pupils from Rivonia Primary School volunteered their services at the Rietfontein Nature Reserve in Paulshof and gave the green oasis some much-needed care and attention.

The group of Grade 7 pupils were welcomed to the reserve by Kate Bezuidenhout of Friends of Rietfontein. Bezuidenhout explained that Friends of Rietfontein is a group of volunteers dedicated to promote, protect and preserve the Rietfontein Nature Reserve, which is located on Holkham Road in Paulshof.

During the welcome address to the pupils, Sharon Khoza of Johannesburg City Parks explained the role of the organisation in developing, maintaining and conserving green, open spaces within the city of Johannesburg.

The highlight of the welcome address was a talk by Michael Schrenk, of FreeMe Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre which is located within the reserve. Schrenk provided animated anecdotes about animals and birds rescued and rehabilitated at FreeMe.

After the welcome address, volunteers were divided into two groups and set out painting rocks at 1m intervals along the walking path, and painting the perimeter wall of the reserve. The demarcated path will provide a clear trail for visitors to follow the 2km route around the reserve. Friends of Rietfontein used funds raised from events held earlier in the year to purchase paint and paint brushes for the volunteers to use.

Bezuidenhout said Friends of Rietfontein were thrilled to have Rivonia Primary School volunteers spend time at the reserve and welcome any other groups that may want to volunteer.

Rietfontein is currently experiencing challenges controlling the amount of alien vegetation in the reserve, in particular lantana, a Category 1 invader.

Friends of Rietfontein will be holding a ‘day of action’ soon and are inviting all residents and environmental groups in the area to participate and bring this invader under control.

Details: friendsofrietfontein@gmail.com

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