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Resident urges caution as more pets get killed

RIVER CLUB - Resident, Greg Pereira is urging residents to take better measures to protect their pets against attacks.

This after Pereira’s two Chihuahua’s were shot and killed by someone using a pellet gun. This shocking incident follows another similar incident of a cat in Lonehill which was injured after being shot with a pellet gun.

A distraught Pereira said, “My first dog, Holly, was found dead in October with two shots on her side, while Brad was found just last weekend with the same wound on his body,” he said.

Pereira expressed outrage at the shocking cruelty and hoped that this would alert other residents to such occurrences, as many other residents had small pets.

Randburg SPCA accounts manager, Lulu Amvrosiadis, encouraged residents to take injured pets to a veterinary clinic for x-rays and then report the matter to the authorities as soon as possible.

“Residents must also establish where the pet was injured and based on that information, open a case against the perpetrator,” she said.

Christine Kuch, public relations officer at the National Council of SPCA’s echoed these sentiments and said should someone witness such an event, the local authorities should be alerted.

She explained that charges could then be laid against the perpetrator in terms of the Animals Protection Act, and the person(s) could be charged with discharging a pellet gun in an urban area.

“Pellet guns no longer need to be licensed and they may be bought over the counter, but this does not justify their misuse – and using them in your backyard or against a living creature can land a person in as much trouble as if a real firearm had been discharged,” she said.

Filler: Following such attacks on pets using pellet guns, do you think tougher measures should be taken against perpetrators? Share your views with us on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page.

From our sister publication:

Pets mutilated and shot in Lonehill


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  1. This is disgusting! What kind of “neighbour” would be so cruel. Pellet guns should be licensed! And only available to adults.

  2. Somebody must be witnessing this, please come forward and speak up for those with no voice. This family is heartbroken and an innocent animal suffered because of some sick coward!

  3. This person should be prosecuted – they’ve done this twice ???? Why hasn’t the SPCA done anything – this is absolutely shocking !

  4. It must be a neighbour or someone close by that can look into your property. Probably someone with young sons who think they are having fun at your pets expense. I would keep a very close lookout and possibly install some cameras to try and catch the perpetrator and then lay a charge. It’s absolutely disgusting and whoever is responsible deserves to be severely punished.

  5. I am appalled by this story. This repeated cruelty towards animals shows a complete lack of empathy and conscience and that is one of the signs of a sociopathic personality.If someone knows who did this or saw anything it is their duty to come forward. The next time it could be a child who gets hurt. I definitely think that if a gun is capable of maiming a person or killing a small animal, it should require a license

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